
By Keith Gamble May 15, 2019
As we celebrate National Police Week May 12 – 18, 2019 our first thoughts and actions should be geared toward memorializing the law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.  Since records have been kept (c. 1791) over 20,000 officers have given their life during the performance of their official duties...
By Keith Gamble May 7, 2019
Is your business prepared to recover and return to normal operations in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster?  Do you have a plan in place to safeguard sensitive, hazardous or expensive materials? What about securing your personnel and critical infrastructure while operations are being returned to a normal state?  If you don’t have...
By Keith Gamble May 7, 2019
Society’s most vulnerable can be found in hospitals and Schools. Most hospitals and schools hire private security guards to keep our most vulnerable people safe. Is hiring private security enough, or is there reason to hire off-duty police officers? Sure, there are plenty of great security officers...
By Keith Gamble April 29, 2019
Cops and civilians alike, take just a moment to read this brief study conducted by the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.  A summary of the study and the accompanying data is also attached, it’ll only take you a minute to recognize the disparity that I want to bring to your attention...
By Keith Gamble March 14, 2019
A Decatur hospital patient was arrested after police said he seized pepper spray from a security guard and used it to attack guards and other staff while fighting...
By Keith Gamble March 13, 2019
A young woman whose car rolled off Route 21 into the Passaic River was rescued Monday morning by a Good Samaritan who...
By Keith Gamble March 12, 2019
A South Mississippi police officer is being hailed as a hero after saving the life of...
By Keith Gamble March 11, 2019
A Farmington Public Safety officer helped save a woman from her smoke-filled duplex in the area of Grand River Avenue and Cass Street at around 2:15 p.m. Feb. 15, according...
By Keith Gamble February 7, 2019
FirstGuard helps churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship across the country hire off-duty sworn police officers to help keep congregations safe. Informative article by Coleen Harry of WBTV, Charlotte can be found by clicking...
By Keith Gamble January 30, 2019
As 2018 comes to a close, it is time to look ahead to the critical issues, challenges and trends law enforcement faces in 2019. PoliceOne asked 19 law enforcement experts to share their...
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